Atlantic Fellows XR LAB

Extended Realities

“Because we are a global, multidisciplinary community of changemakers committed to disrupting structural inequality, we are uniquely positioned to fill a much needed gap and lead on the exploration of the promise, potential and implications of AR/VR inside and outside the Atlantic Fellows community.”

Wilneida Negron Atlantic Fellow for Racial Equity

A connected community of changemakers, growing to a global network of thousands.

Atlantic Fellows are tackling global, systemic inequities. United in their pursuit of equity, they are courageous, compassionate, collaborative thinkers and doers who collectively seek to bring lasting improvements to their communities and the world. Fellows come from all walks of life and each carries a deep resolve for a more equal and just world.

Their lifelong journey begins with a bespoke program experience to enhance each Fellow’s capacity to counter systemic issues impeding equity. As they connect and collaborate through the global network, they think and learn together, incubating and implementing strategies for greater impact. Accelerated by the Atlantic Institute and community support they become collective agents of change.

Atlantic Fellows and XR

Within the context of the climate emergency and a physical world that is increasingly digital, Atlantic Fellowship has placed a strategic focus on immersive technologies and are delighted to have built an XR Lab in Rhodes House. We believe that as our community grows, we have a responsibility to create and explore innovative ways to be meaningfully together when we are physically apart and offer our community the infrastructure to use XR technologies to strengthen their equity work, as well as opportunities to drive equitable change in this area. The XR Lab will support our long-term commitment to lowering carbon emissions by reducing global travel, without compromising the personal connection that fuels our equity work.


Introducing the XR Lab

See the video below to fid out more about what XR is

Take the 360 Tour

Stroll through our 360 Tour of the XR Lab to get a sense of what it's all about!
Augmented Artifact

Explore the Augmented Artifact, a project co-created by Global Atlantic Fellows who have each completed one of the seven equity-focussed programs, uses phone-based augmented reality to strengthen community and champion creative, collective experience.

Explore Project
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