Explore program
Staff neurologist at cognitive neurology, neuropsycology and neuropsychiatry department, FLENI
Social entrepreneur, creative producer, composer, actor, industrial engineer; and lecturer, Buenos Aires University
Founder and president, Sociedad y Naturaleza
Mananging director and clinical neuropsychiatrist, Ageing and Memory Centre, Neurological Research Institute Raúl Carrea (FLENI)
Director, Cognitive Neuroscience Center, Universidad de San Andres; associate researcher, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; coordinator, Include Network; founder, TELL company
Coordinator, Right to the City program, Civil Association for Equality and Justice
Neuroscientist, FUESMEN (Fundación Escuela Medicina Nuclear)
Director, neurosciences and complex systems unit, CONICET, Univ UNAJ, Hospital El Cruce; and documentary filmmaker
Secretary of health, Municipality of Quilmes